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Manuscript Submitted

David A. Van Wie

NEWS FLASH - Lyme, NH - I just submitted the completed manuscript for Storied Waters to my publisher, Stackpole Books.

The manuscript is a significant expansion of the blog posts from my six week excursion in May/June 2017. The book will have more detail and background on each author plus brief excerpts from some of the stories that go with the storied waters. I've chosen about 125 color photos and artist Jill Osgood is contributing a half dozen original ink portraits of the marquee writers.

There will be so much more work to do before the book is published. Stackpole is working on a cover design now. No publication date is set at this point, but I'm expecting it to be in their 2019 catalog.

Thanks to everyone who has been following along on my blog and other social media. I appreciate all the comments and encouragement.



Frenchman's Pond aka Uncles where John Voelker had his camp.

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